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Myanmar snub-nosed monkey. © Yin Yang

Myanmar snub-nosed monkey. © Yin Yang

Help save Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys

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Please help save Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys

Your gift could help pay for crucial camera traps to help deter illegal loggers and hunters

Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys on the brink as their habitat comes under immense pressure

Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys have been known to science since only 2010, but their existence hangs on a knife-edge. 

These elusive primates are critically endangered. With only around 260-330 individuals left in the wild, they could vanish in the blink of an eye. 

Please donate now and help save this special species. With your support, we can protect their habitat from destruction and prevent their extinction. 


could buy a whole new GPS system, allowing patrol teams to map out and strategically plan their routes for patrolling key snub-nosed monkey habitat.

Hem Manita / Fauna & Flora


could buy a pair of boots - replacing those worn out by a ranger during countless miles of patrolling.


could fully equip one ranger with the uniform and equipment needed to conduct patrols, including boots, waterproofs and a backpack.


would provide a day's rations for a team, allowing them to stay on the move protecting snub-nosed monkeys.

What is the biggest threat to Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys? 

Illegal logging and industrial development pose the greatest danger to this rare species. This includes the development of one of Asia’s largest hydropower schemes, which is placing a heavy strain on their fragile habitat. 

New roads are continuously being built through their forest homes, paving the way for even more industry and bringing in an influx of people who pose great danger to these primates and their homes. 

This influx of workers brings with it an increase in hunting, with people killing the monkeys for their meat. 

Saw Soe Aung (right) and a local hunter setting a camera trap to monitor Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys. © Jeremy Holden / Fauna & Flora

Saw Soe Aung (right) and a local hunter setting a camera trap to monitor Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys. © Jeremy Holden / Fauna & Flora

Rangers work tirelessly to protect these monkeys from harm, but they need to trek enormous distances to do so. The species only being discovered in 2010 is testament to how much effort is required to protect them.

What is Fauna & Flora doing to save Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys? 

Fauna & Flora is installing camera traps and helping to implement community ranger programmes designed to protect the monkeys and their home.

But it’s simply not enough.

With your support, we could purchase more camera traps and provide community rangers with essential training and equipment they need.  You could help provide our ranger teams, both in Myanmar and at other vital projects around the world, with everything they need to navigate challenging terrain and carry out vital patrols. This includes gear such as such as boots, rucksacks, sleeping bags and GPS units

How will camera traps help? 

Camera traps are crucial to the monkeys’ survival, allowing us to keep a close eye on their movements and understand this rare species. Science has only known of their existence since 2010, so increasing our understanding of them is integral to helping save them. 

Furthermore, camera traps act as a deterrent to those who would hunt the monkeys, in addition to illegal loggers who would look to destroy their habitat. 

Once these camera traps are in place, the effectiveness of our operations will be drastically improved and we can step up our work to keep these rare monkeys safe from harm. 

These wonderful creatures are on the very edge of extinction, but with your help we can ensure they're safe in the sanctuary of the forest for generations to come.

Why Fauna & Flora? 

Fauna & Flora is the world’s oldest wildlife conservation organisation. Throughout our 120-year history we’ve worked all across the world, and today our operations in Asia-Pacific span the entire region where we protect critically endangered species on the brink of extinction. 

But it is only through your support that we are able to draw upon our extensive experience and wealth of knowledge, helping to implement effective ranger patrols and carrying out crucial monitoring work to help save the Myanmar snub-nosed monkey. 

Please donate now, and together we could save this one-of-a-kind primate from extinction.

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