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Oryx—The International Journal of Conservation

Oryx covers biodiversity conservation, conservation policy and sustainable use, and the interactions of these matters with social, economic and political issues.

Oryx is a bimonthly open-access journal from Fauna & Flora, which is published by Cambridge University Press on our behalf.

With the first issue published in 1904, Oryx has been around for almost as long as Fauna & Flora itself. So unusual was the journal that it attracted the attention of Sir David Attenborough early in his career, as he described in a recent interview:

[Fauna & Flora’s founders] laid the foundation of modern conservation science. They published a journal – the only one in the world that dealt scientifically with the problem of disappearing species. When I joined [Fauna & Flora as a member] in the 1950s I was fresh out of the navy, but before that I had a degree in zoology – and I was very interested in Oryx, not necessarily because I recognised the danger of species losses at that time, but because here was a journal that described how elephant populations changed, what elephants did. Where other publications looked at animals in captivity, this journal looked at animals in the wild. And that was what I was interested in.

Sir David Attenborough OM FRS


[Fauna & Flora’s founders] laid the foundation of modern conservation science. They published a journal – the only one in the world that dealt scientifically with the problem of disappearing species. When I joined [Fauna & Flora as a member] in the 1950s I was fresh out of the navy, but before that I had a degree in zoology – and I was very interested in Oryx, not necessarily because I recognised the danger of species losses at that time, but because here was a journal that described how elephant populations changed, what elephants did. Where other publications looked at animals in captivity, this journal looked at animals in the wild. And that was what I was interested in.

Sir David Attenborough OM FRS


Today, Oryx covers a wide range of topics, including biodiversity conservation, conservation policy and sustainable use, and the interactions of these matters with social, economic and political issues. The journal has a particular interest in material with the potential to improve conservation management and practice.

Our Oryx editorial team also supports the publishing and communication aspirations of conservation practitioners and researchers around the world, and helps build capacity for conservation – something that makes this journal unique.

As part of this, the team provides recommendations for the best free analysis and writing tools, advice on how to access Oryx in countries with developing and emerging economies, and detailed support for submitting articles. The team also offers Writing for Conservation workshops for conservation practitioners and researchers, taking participants through the gruelling process of turning great conservation research into first-class manuscripts ready for peer review in a conservation science journal.

Visit the Oryx website to learn more.

The challenges for conservation today are many and various, and communicating both the successes and failures of conservation practice and research have never been more important. By subscribing to Oryx you will be able to follow the latest work of leading researchers, practitioners and organizations. By publishing in Oryx you will reach an international audience eager to learn from your findings.

Martin Fisher

Editor - Oryx

The challenges for conservation today are many and various, and communicating both the successes and failures of conservation practice and research have never been more important. By subscribing to Oryx you will be able to follow the latest work of leading researchers, practitioners and organizations. By publishing in Oryx you will reach an international audience eager to learn from your findings.

Martin Fisher

Editor - Oryx

Sumatran tiger portrait. © Edwin Giesbers / Nature Picture Library

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If you would like to stay up to date with the latest conservation research while also supporting Fauna & Flora’s vital conservation work around the world, sign up as an Oryx member today.


Sumatran tiger portrait. © Edwin Giesbers / Nature Picture Library