Despite their immense size and two-inch-thick skin, black rhinos are no match for poachers.
The facts paint a frightening picture: between 1970 and 1992, 96% of black rhinos were lost, leaving as few as 2,400 individuals left in the wild. This loss was driven largely by poachers looking to harvest their horns.
One subspecies of black rhino has already gone extinct as a result of this poaching onslaught. We must not let that happen to the three subspecies that remain. Please donate now to protect these magnificent creatures.
Could help purchase a drone, allowing the team to accurately track and monitor the rhinos from a safe distance.
Hem Manita / Fauna & Flora
Could buy a pair of boots for a ranger - replacing those worn out from countless miles of patrolling.
Could help provide the local team with the fuel, wages and equipment for one emergency response - allowing them to respond rapidly to critical incidents.
Wildlife rangers setting up a camera trap in Southern National Park. © Fauna & Flora
Could provide a ranger team with a week's rations - helping them stay on the move as they deter poaching.
Why are black rhinos endangered?
Persistent poaching has been the main driver of the black rhinos’ deadly decline. Demand for rhino horn comes mainly from Asia, where it is used for traditional medicine, and is also seen as a symbol of success and wealth.
As well as direct attacks from poaching, rhinos are also suffering from the effects of large-scale habitat loss. As more and more of their habitat is encroached upon by humans, rhinos are forced to come into closer contact with each other, which is bad news for these typically solitary animals, due to disease transmission and injury.
Black rhino (dead), Lewa wildlife conservancy. Slaughtered by poachers with horns removed. © Juan Pablo Moreiras / Fauna & Flora
What is Fauna & Flora doing to protect black rhinos?
Tireless conservation efforts have allowed the black rhino population to slowly creep back from the very brink of extinction, to over 5,000 individuals today.
But we can’t stop now. Demand for rhino horn is still rampant in parts of Asia. We must not let them slip back into oblivion.
Fauna & Flora is supporting a range of conservancies across Africa that are home to a large proportion of the remaining population of black rhinos. We are providing critical support to protect these animals from poaching, as well as guidance on best monitoring practices and advice on engaging local communities.
© Juan Pablo Moreiras / Fauna & Flora
How will my donation save black rhinos?
Your support could buy the essential equipment needed by rangers to protect black rhinos, as well as countless other endangered species, from being victimised by poachers and traffickers.
Your donations could also provide resources for crucial wildlife monitoring such as GPS equipment, patrol vehicles and camera traps.
Why Fauna & Flora?
Fauna & Flora played a key role in the establishment of Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, a crucial sanctuary that holds the largest population of black rhinos in East Africa.
We’ve continued to work with Ol Pejeta ever since its establishment, including assisting with the translocation of black rhinos into the conservancy, and providing ongoing support to protect these animals from poaching.
With your support, we’ll continue ensuring high standards of monitoring, and nurturing local support for rhino conservation through Ol Pejeta’s community development programme.
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