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Przewalski's Horse (Equus ferus przewalskii). © Adobe Stock / ondrejprosicky

Przewalski's Horse (Equus ferus przewalskii). © Adobe Stock / ondrejprosicky

Przewalski’s horse needs your help

Please donate today

Your gift could help save Przewalski's horse

Just 178 are alive in the wild

Your gift will help reconstruct a devastated field station, a critical part of one of the most important reintroduction projects in a generation

The worst flooding in living memory has just hit Kazakhstan, jeopardising a critically important project aimed at reintroducing the world’s last truly wild horse to the region. 

If we cannot repair the horrific damage done by the floods, it could spell total disaster for this ground-breaking project – and be a massive blow to Przewalski’s horses, of which just 178 individuals are alive in the wild, a tiny and precarious number. 

Our partnership, the Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative, was fully equipped and ready, with a team of world-leading experts working to restore the horses’ natural habitat, reduce threats and pave the way for the new reintroductions – but the entire project is now at risk.  

We must act fast to save it, before it’s too late. 

We urgently need your help to raise £10,127 to fund the reconstruction of the crucial field station damaged by the catastrophic flooding.

If we don’t repair the damage done by the floods, the project can’t be completed, and Przewalski’s horse faces an uncertain future. 100% of your donation will go directly towards this work, and an anonymous donor has generously agreed to match every donation until the £10,127 is reached.

So please, donate now and help save Przewalski’s horse. Thank you.

Why is Przewalski’s horse important?

Przewalski’s horse is of huge importance to Kazakhstan’s ecosystems.

As one of the few creatures with the power to dig and move ground, they play a pivotal role in the steppe ecosystem and help provide other animals with access to water and vegetation – of extreme importance after heavy snowfall or when it’s very dry.

This incredible species also plays a key role in distributing plant seeds across the region, and its dung provides important nutrients for countless creatures.

But now, everything is at risk.

If the project fails, it could be disastrous both for these endangered horses and all the vulnerable creatures that rely on them, many of which are facing greater pressures than ever before.

Donate to help save Przewalski’s horse conservation Kazakhstan

©Adobe Stock / Alexey

How is Fauna & Flora helping to reintroduce Przewalski’s horse?

In 2010, a group of world-leading experts identified the central steppes of Kazakhstan as an ideal location for the reintroduction of Przewalski’s horse.

Recognising the significance of this project, Fauna & Flora, as part of the Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative, stepped forward to support our in-country partner ACBK and help ensure the success of this initiative.

The next step of the project aims to transport the horses to Kazakhstan, where it is essential they are monitored around the clock to keep them healthy until they are ready to be released into the wild.

Rangers will then receive training, dedicated patrol teams will be put in place, and camera traps will be installed to monitor the horses and ensure they are healthy and safe upon reintroduction to the wild.

But if we are unable to secure the funding needed for the reconstruction of the devastated field station, this could all – tragically – be for nothing.

Donate to help save Przewalski's horse conservation Kazakhstan

©Adobe stock/Joel Behr

How will your donation help?

Fauna & Flora is working tirelessly to support the reintroduction of Przewalski’s horse, but the recent flooding in Kazakhstan has thrown the project into turmoil at the worst possible moment.

We can still get the project back on track, but just 178 of these horses are alive in the wild – there is simply no time to waste. We urgently need your support to repair the damage done by the floods and help save the species.

Through your donation, we could help to fund the reconstruction of a field station destroyed by the floods. We need to raise £10,127 to fund this work and ensure that the project does not fall at the last hurdle – 100% of your donation will go directly towards this, and an anonymous donor has generously agreed to match every donation until the £10,127 is reached.

We cannot give up on these incredible horses – we must take action now. Please donate today, and help save Przewalski’s horse.


All funds raised up to £10,127 will go directly towards rebuilding facilities in Kazakhstan. If we do not raise the target amount of £10,127, all funds raised will still go directly towards the work in Kazakhstan. Any funds raised over £10,127 will help support the work protecting Przewalski’s horse and other species around the world.