To ensure Sapo National Park and its wildlife are protected, we are working with communities and the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) of Liberia to manage the park by improving law enforcement, reducing threats to biodiversity and promoting local livelihoods.
Our work in Sapo National Park
Fauna & Flora is engaging with local communities to raise awareness about biodiversity conservation while enhancing their capacity to support the management of the park. Additionally, we are working alongside the FDA to improve the park’s law enforcement regulations. This is being done by introducing the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) to ensure more systematic patrols and by building the skills and capacity of rangers through training and ongoing mentoring.
Project goals
Sapo National Park is Liberia’s largest protected area and one of the most biologically rich and endangered terrestrial ecosystems in the world. Fauna & Flora aims to ensure that the implementation of the Sapo National Park management plan provides a systematic and realistic approach to tackling threats to biodiversity – one that enables communities to participate and supports local stakeholders to take charge of their natural resources.
Project partners
This project is delivered in partnership with the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), Partners in Development, Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection, IDH, EcoHealth Alliance, SOLIMAR, Wild Chimpanzee Foundation and Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia.
Project timeline
A selection of animal footage caught on camera traps, including the illusive pygmy hippo
We are grateful for financial support from The Species Fund, United States Agency for International Development – through the West Africa Biodiversity and Low Emission Development, Conservation Works, the West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change programme, Arcus Foundation, Liberia Forest Sector Project, Elephant Crisis Fund, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund and Pygmy Hippo Foundation.
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