What if businesses, people and nature could prosper together?
Fauna & Flora’s Business & Nature programme has a mission to support the private sector in halting and reversing nature loss for the benefit of people and the planet – so that we can all thrive together.
Our work is aligned with the ambitious goals of the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which recognises the important role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, as well as the responsibility of companies and financial institutions in achieving this.
Why is nature important for business?
The future of all living beings depends on biodiversity and the resilience of nature. Nature loss undermines our economy, our society and our ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change. With this comes very significant risks for businesses and investors. Halting and reversing nature loss is critical to ensuring that nature’s services can continue to flow and generate prosperity for business and current and future generations.
How do we work with the private sector?
There is no path to meeting the Paris Agreement and Global Biodiversity Framework without the involvement of the private sector. Collaboration between companies, financial institutions, governments and civil society is essential to achieve nature-related benefits on a local and global scale. We support them in this process, unlocking their understanding of their relationship with nature. This is a springboard for broader and deeper engagement for investing in nature.
By using a science-based approach, combined with leading disclosure frameworks and datasets on supply chains and biodiversity, the Business and Nature programme supports companies and financial institutions to build credible nature-positive baselines, targets and strategies, and to implement nature-based solutions that can be monitored, reported and verified.
© Helen Nyul / Fauna & Flora
What makes us different?
Fauna & Flora brings a unique set of skills, tools and expertise to our work with the private sector. Our work with local partners at over 300 project sites in almost 50 countries worldwide gives us first-hand insight into the dependencies and impact of business operations and supply chains on local livelihoods, land- and seascapes and nature.
By bringing Fauna & Flora’s country teams together with businesses on the ground, we unlock practical conservation knowledge and opportunities for the private sector to learn about and invest in nature.
We use high-tech spatial assessment tools and the latest supply chain intelligence data to better evaluate these relationships, and the risks that the loss of biodiversity represents for businesses.
Through our global collaborations we play an important role in informing and influencing the development of international standards and policy frameworks, using our technical expertise to ensure that these are fit for purpose and reflect the realities on the ground.
Two african american women working in modern greenhouse holding laptop walking and talking about organic vegetables production. Lettuce farm workers discussing about harvesting plants for delivery. © DC Studio / Adobe Stock
Who do we work with?
The Business & Nature programme works with companies and financial institutions across different sectors including agriculture, food and beverage, mining, tourism and renewable energy.
We also work on, and support, the recommendations of leading initiatives in the field, such as the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).
How do we engage with the private sector?
We engage with the private sector to transform their business practices and create nature-positive outcomes. This could be working with a food company wanting to support its suppliers with nature-based solutions and regenerative actions on farms and in rural landscapes. Helping a brewing conglomerate to understand how its water stewardship, climate and regenerative agriculture activities contribute to biodiversity. Or ensuring that the minerals required to support renewable energy companies are responsibly sourced for positive outcomes for nature, climate and people.
We are committed to taking companies beyond a ‘no net loss’ approach and helping them to achieve a nature-positive outcome through their operations, supply chain and at a wider landscape level.
We also work with Fauna & Flora’s in-country teams and partners to build local capacity, strengthen regulatory frameworks and ensure best practice for the private sector.
© Jeremy Holden / Fauna & Flora
Fauna & Flora’s principles for engagement with the private sector
We work directly with businesses that:
- Demonstrate strong leadership in respect of nature, climate and people
- Have ambitious strategies and commitments aligned with the Paris Agreement
- Go beyond no harm and seek to restore natural ecosystems and habitats
- Support, engage and respect Indigenous Peoples and local communities
Our engagement with the private sector is based on a shared commitment to:
- Achieving positive and measurable outcomes for nature, climate and people
- Collaborating on shared objectives for nature
- Sharing knowledge for wider influence
- Contributing towards the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework
A shared vision for nature and business
To discuss how our Business & Nature team could support you in fulfilling your commitments to nature-positive outcomes, contact [email protected].
If you would like to support us immediately, consider donating today.
Support us todaySamkos bush frog (Chiromantis samkosensis). © Jeremy Holden / Fauna & Flora