These wonderful, whistling wild dogs have roamed Asia’s dense forests, steppes and scrublands for centuries.
But today, they’re almost all gone. Just 2,000 or so breeding dholes remain.
Because for all their ingenuity – and there’s tons of it - there’s one danger they can’t outsmart.
We urgently need donations to support dedicated community wardens in Cambodia who are working hard to remove these lethal threats littering the forests. Please donate now and help save dholes.
Why are dholes endangered?
In areas of Cambodia, a key dhole stronghold, snares litter the ground.
These death traps pepper the forest floor, and – as the dholes energetically bound along – there’s very little they can do to avoid them.
Once trapped, there’s almost no chance of escape.
All they can do, despite every desperate effort from them and their packmates, is wait until they fatally succumb to the injury.
It’s a grim fate. And if we don’t act now, it’s a fate that could await far too many dholes.
© Kuntalee Rangnoi / Getty Images / EyeEm
Dholes are smart and resourceful - but they stand no chance when their home is covered with deadly snares.
How many dholes are left in the wild?
Today, there are just 2,000 or so breeding dholes remaining, and their conservation status is listed as Endangered.
We’re at a crucial stage: snaring is threatening to reach crisis levels in the Cardamom Mountains and – if we don’t act now – dholes could be at severe risk of local extinction. This isn’t just speculation – deforestation and poaching have already devastated tiger numbers across Asia, and, in 2007, Cambodia’s tiger population went extinct.
We must do everything we can to save the dhole from the same bitter end.
Only 2,000 or so breeding dholes are left in the wild. © Revati / Adobe Stock
Dholes are the last species in their genus, and it would be heartbreaking if we lost them.
How will my donation help save dholes?
Through your donations, Fauna & Flora is supporting community wardens in Cambodia and at other sites around the world. Our teams in Cambodia are helping to remove these lethal threats and give the dwindling dhole population a real chance at recovery.
For the last decade, these dedicated local people have been patrolling the forest, traversing over 100km every month, painstakingly spotting and removing snares, as well as reporting other threats such as illegal logging and poaching.
But they need to do more. Without more wardens equipped, trained and patrolling the forests, the team doesn’t have the resources to protect every dhole at risk.
could help pay for a GPS kit, allowing wardens to coordinate their patrols to the most vulnerable areas.
could pay for a hammock, rucksack and camping gear for one warden, allowing them to sleep safely in dense forest.
could pay for one pair of patrol boots, to replace those worn out by wardens through hour after hour of patrolling.
Fauna & Flora, crocodile wardens investigate crocodile nest. IPTC - Credit © Hem Manita / Fauna & Flora
could help pay for protective clothing, helping wardens to carry out essential patrols in the area.
Why Fauna & Flora?
As the world’s oldest international wildlife conservation organisation, Fauna & Flora has over 120 years of experience protecting threatened wildlife and their habitats. We are no strangers to working in challenging parts of the world such as Cambodia.
This wealth of knowledge and experience working alongside local governments and communities is essential if we are to save dholes from extinction. But that work would be impossible without your support.
Please donate now, and together we could save these wonderful creatures.
+44 1223 749019
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