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Group photo of attendees to November 2022 shark monitoring training, Cabo Verde. This particular site is a potential shark nursery for this species, which Fauna & Flora partner Associação Projeto Biodiversidade is trying to study in order to confirm whether or not it is. Six additional NGOs were invited to learn from the training, and to promote shared learning and networking for shark monitoring and conservation efforts across the archipelago. Training funded by Arcadia Fund. © Annkathrin Sharp / Fauna & Flora

Group photo of attendees to November 2022 shark monitoring training, Cabo Verde. This particular site is a potential shark nursery for this species, which Fauna & Flora partner Associação Projeto Biodiversidade is trying to study in order to confirm whether or not it is. Six additional NGOs were invited to learn from the training, and to promote shared learning and networking for shark monitoring and conservation efforts across the archipelago. Training funded by Arcadia Fund. © Annkathrin Sharp / Fauna & Flora

Supporting Organisational Resilience in Partners: Evidence for Impact

Impact evidence report from our Conservation Resilience Fund


    This briefing shares the impact evidence from the first three years of Fauna Flora’s Conservation Resilience Fund, a fund established in 2021 with support from Arcadia to accompany our partners in becoming stronger, more flexible and better able to survive and thrive even during the most challenging future situations.

    Supporting Organisational Resilience in Partners: Evidence for Impact

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