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Black rhino. Credit: Juan Pablo Moreiras / Fauna & Flora

Black rhino. Credit: Juan Pablo Moreiras / Fauna & Flora

Supporting Ol Pejeta Conservancy to deliver sustainable conservation for wildlife and people

Across Laikipia County, Kenyan conservation organisations have successfully managed the transition from colonial-era cattle ranches to mixed-use cattle and game systems that have encouraged burgeoning wildlife populations outside formal protected areas. Preeminent amongst these is Ol Pejeta Conservancy (OPC), which holds a Key 1 population of black rhinoceros, and species that are in general decline including African lion and wild dog.

OPC has been conserving rhinos since 1992 and, in the early 2000s, Fauna & Flora helped a national land trust secure 90,000 acres of open savannah grassland to support the rapidly growing population of black and white rhino. Since OPC’s inception, its black rhino populace has increased from 22 individuals to 115, giving OPC the largest population of black rhino in East Africa. In addition to the impressive efforts in supporting the black rhinos, in 2010 Fauna & Flora also facilitated the translocation of four northern white rhinos to their new home at OPC.

Fauna & Flora also provides technical expertise to OPC in the delivery of its community conservation initiatives. Current work includes engaging with six key communities that are dependent on Mutara Conservation Area natural resources. OPC and Fauna & Flora, together with other local partners, are supporting the delivery of a comprehensive programme of work with local stakeholders across multiple landholdings, to build peace and sustainability by balancing grazing, water and wildlife use.

Fauna & Flora continues to also support OPC both technically and in a fundraising capacity to manage its day to day-to-day conservation programme from board-level engagement through to implementation of specific activities such as rangeland monitoring and endangered species programmes.

We are grateful for financial support from the UK government’s Darwin Initiative and Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Worldwide.