Fauna & Flora is working with local community groups in northern Vietnam to conserve 17 threatened tree species found in Tung Vai Watershed Protection Area and Bat Dai Son Nature Reserve. This includes the world’s largest population of the critically endangered Magnolia grandis.
Our work in northern Vietnam
The karst limestone hills of northern Vietnam are home to some of the world’s rarest and most remarkable trees, including several beautiful magnolias. Sadly, the area is under intense pressure from logging and agriculture.
Fauna & Flora works closely with cardamom farmers to better protect target tree species and scale up restoration work. Planting trees not only helps to boost the population size of threatened species, but also provides shade and increases canopy cover, protecting farmers’ crops from winter snowfall.
Community Conservation Teams patrol both protected areas; these teams not only deter loggers but also provide data that is vital for strengthening enforcement.
Project goals
While most of our work to date has focused on a small subset of threatened species in Vietnam, the newest phase of the project aims to provide a large, secure and efficiently managed landscape for at least 17 threatened trees found within it, enhanced by our continued work with cardamom farmers and others to promote sustainable livelihoods.
Our impact
Our team has planted over 4,000 Magnolia grandis seedlings back into the landscape and we are now observing significant levels of natural regeneration of this species as a result of our work with cardamom farmers. Farmers who were previously paid to maintain the seedlings of threatened species are now continuing to do so without financial support, indicating a lasting change in attitudes towards tree conservation.
Project timeline
We are grateful for financial support from Fondation Franklinia.
Saving wild magnolias, together
The wild relatives of some of our favourite ornamental
trees are close to extinction.
Please help us to safeguard their future.
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