Although people have lived here for centuries, the Zarand landscape corridor in Transylvania, Romania provides an element of wilderness through which large carnivores can move between the Western and Southern Carpathian Mountains.
However, this important ecological corridor is threatened by large-scale infrastructure development, intensified forestry practices, loss of traditional agricultural practices, as well as more intensive small-scale farming, and the threat is exacerbated by socio-economic decline of rural communities.
Fauna & Flora is working with Zarand Association to protect the Zarand region’s diverse and distinctive landscape. We focus on improving connectivity between these two areas by promoting land management that support biodiversity, restoring habitats and landscape features, addressing human-wildlife conflict, informing policy and raising awareness. We are also working to improve local livelihoods by supporting small-scale sustainable agriculture and other rural business enterprises.
We are grateful for financial support from the European Commission’s LIFE Programme, Marcela Trust, Fondation Segré and Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.