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Rainforest of Sapo National Park. © Jeremy Holden / Fauna & Flora

Rainforest of Sapo National Park. © Jeremy Holden / Fauna & Flora


Globally important rainforests

Liberia is Africa’s first and oldest modern republic. It is home to large tracts of the Upper Guinean Forest, one of the world’s most important tropical ecosystems and a hotspot for West African biodiversity. However, the country has been rocked by political instability, civil war and severe outbreaks of the Ebola virus. It is one of the poorest countries in the world, ranked 177th out of 188 on the Human Development Index.

It is therefore little surprise that Liberia’s natural landscapes and wildlife are under extreme pressure from threats such as smalll- and large-scale agricultural expansion, mining (both illegal and legal), and poaching, all of which put the country’s natural resources – and those who depend on them – at risk.

What wildlife does Liberia support?

Liberia’s forests are rich in biodiversity, including rare and endemic species. Iconic wildlife such as chimpanzees, forest elephants and pygmy hippos rely on these landscapes for survival. Many other less familiar but equally threatened species share this habitat, from the Liberian mongoose and Timneh parrot to the Nimba otter shrew and zebra duiker.

91% humidity

The average relative humidity in Sapo National Park is 91%.

40% forested

40% of Liberia is still forested despite extensive logging.

    91% humidity

    The average relative humidity in Sapo National Park is 91%.

    40% forested

    40% of Liberia is still forested despite extensive logging.

Our work in Liberia

Fauna & Flora began working in Liberia in 1997 and we played a crucial role, together with our partners, in re-establishing operations in the country’s oldest protected area – Sapo National Park – after years of civil conflict.

Drawing on this work in Sapo, we have since worked closely with our partners to help identify and prioritise sites for a protected area network across Liberia and establish the foundations for sustainable forest and environmental management.

We are also working extensively to improve collaboration between local, national, regional and private stakeholders across various sectors and national boundaries to reduce threats to biodiversity from subsistence pressures, illegal wildlife trade, oil palm operations and large-scale mining operations.

Recognising the value of Liberian forests for carbon storage, biodiversity conservation and community well-being, we are also playing a lead role in the development of REDD+ project sites in the country.

Community involvement in decision-making is central to strengthening forest management and governance in a post-conflict Liberia, and we have supported a range of activities to ensure that communities within and surrounding East Nimba Nature Reserve, Wonegizi and Wologizi Proposed Protected Areas, and Sapo National Park are properly supported to engage in protected area management and conservation.

Fauna & Flora is also supporting Liberia’s up-and-coming conservationists by helping to build conservation capacity at a national level – something that is currently limited due to a lack of practical and academic training opportunities. Fauna & Flora is tackling these challenges by developing appropriate infrastructure and training courses, including university-level teaching as well as practical skills training such as biomonitoring, and conservation management skills such as proposal writing and grant management.

Pygmy hippo in Sapo National Park. © Fauna & Flora

Pygmy hippo in Sapo National Park. © Fauna & Flora

Pygmy hippo caught on one of our wildlife cameras in Sapo National Park.

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